Setting up a backdrop is *almost* as important as the subject itself. The trick is to enhance the message of the video without being distracting. The possibilities are literally endless, but getting it to look just right takes a little knowhow. Below, secrets to making the background look professional.
Stay Soft
You won't want the background to be as sharp as the subject. To keep it out of focus, the subject needs to be as far away as possible from the background. This may mean setting up the camera outside the room and shooting through the doorway!
Add Props
Add Props
Unless you're deliberately shooting on a simple, solid colored background, you'll want to add pieces to fill up the negative space. Bright colored flowers are always a cheery yet professional option, but green leafy plants should be a last resort-- they can make it look as if your subject is emerging from the jungle.
A well placed flower arrangements adds a pop of color and visual interest. |
Match It
In product shots, you likely won’t see much of the background because the shot will be tight and so much of it will be cropped out. Create and abstract background that matches the tones of the product or its packaging for a simple, neutral, but appealing look.
Here we used packages from the same product line to create a soft, neutral background. |
Make It Personal
Last week I had a shoot with a financial expert who clearly had an affinity for boating; his entire office had a nautical theme! We used a model sailboat he had on hand to fill the negative space. This gives viewers some insight into his personal life and the possibility of discovering some common ground.
Personal details can subtly add information without making outright statements. |
Lighten Up
Last but not least, the background should have its own designated light to highlight all of your hard work. The light should be softer than the light on the subject but also beware of any harsh shadows this light can create on the back wall. You’ll have to play around with the light placement to find the sweet spot.
Setting up a proper backdrop takes a little extra effort, but is well worth it in the end. With proper technique, your video will look polished and professional.